Law firms are under Cyber siege. The headlines focus on the large law firms. However, small and midsize law firms are also susceptible to damages from cyber attacks.
Kaestner & Berry is proud to work with SafeLaw. SafeLaw offers standalone cyber risk protection created for the unique cyber risks of law firms. The SafeLaw policy was designed to fill gaps in Lawyers Professional Liability and protect law firms from first and third party cyber risk losses including:
- Confidentiality and Privacy Breach Liability: This is protection from third parties for the firm’s failure to prevent disclosure of personally identifiable information, information subject to attorney client privilege, data subject to a non-disclosure agreement and other confidential information.
- Regulatory Proceedings, Fines and Penalties Liability: Third-party legal liability protection for regulatory, administrative, or disciplinary proceedings as well as resulting fines and penalties due to a data breach or the firm’s failure to comply with privacy, identity theft, data security or data breach notification laws. Coverage also extends to violations of PCI standards.
- Network Security Liability: Third-party legal liability protection for the firm’s actual or alleged failure to prevent the transmission of hacker attacks, or denial of service attacks.
- Multimedia Liability: Third-party legal liability protection for copyright infringement, trademark infringement, and defamation arising out of the firm’s electronic publishing.
- Data Breach Response Expense: First-party coverage for the firm’s expenses following a data breach including access to a panel of data breach response experts such as I.T forensics, legal advisors, public relations, victim notification, call center support, credit monitoring and identity theft remediation.
- Electronic Data Restoration Expense: First-party coverage for the firm’s expenses to recreate or restore data, software, or firmware that is corrupted or damaged by a hacker attack, virus, denial of service attack, or administrative errors.
- Business Income Loss: First-party coverage for the firm’s loss of income and extra expenses due to computer system disruption caused by a hacker attack, virus, denial of service attack, or administrative errors.
- Cyber Crimes: First-party coverage for theft of the firm’s money, securities or other property due to fraudulent funds transfers or fraudulent use of the firm’s computer system to steal money, securities or other property.
- Cyber Extortion: First-party coverage for the firm’s expenses to mitigate or terminate cyber extortion or ransomware threats.
If you do not have a standalone SafeLaw policy you will find that your business is Not protected for one or more of these risks. Contact Kaestner & Berry for a SafeLaw Cyber quote.