A.M. Best is recognized worldwide as the benchmark for assessing and comparing the financial strength of an insurance company. A.M. Best provides an independent analysis of an insurer’s financial strength and its ability to meet its ongoing policy obligations. The analysis is based on a comprehensive evaluation of a company’s balance sheet strength, operating performance and business profile.
Under the A.M. Best system, the highest possible financial strength rating is an A++. A grade of a “B” or below indicates the company’s financial strength is “vulnerable”. A company with such a low grade may be at risk of not being able to pay its obligations, ie its claims.
A.M. Best does a continuous review of the financial stability of insurance companies. As a result, ratings do change based on the changes in the financial picture of the company.
A.M. Best rates the financial strength of insurance carriers to help consumers make an educated decision. If your insurance carrier isn’t financially secure, it is ultimately you, the policyholder, who is at risk of taking a financial blow from a claim that is not covered because the carrier is unable to meet all of its obligations
Kaestner & Berry checks the A. M. Best ratings for all Lawyer Professional Liability insurers in our market. This is one of the benefits of an independent insurance broker, working on your behalf.